KG / Pre-KG Teacher

We are looking for KG Teacher / Pre-KG

Preparing and presenting lessons that facilitate students' cognitive, social, and emotional development.
Ensuring that you have sufficient classroom supplies at all times.
Creating a learning environment that is safe and nurturing.
Supervising children during lessons, meal time, and on the playground.
Assisting students to resolve conflict with others.
Monitoring and notifying caregivers of students' progress.
Notifying the Department Head and caregivers of accidents or other noteworthy incidents that occur while students are under your supervision.
Attending meetings with staff and caregivers, as required.
Accompanying students on field trips, as needed.
: The Indian High School
: 5200
: دوام كامل
: ساعات عمل حرة
: 2023-01-14
: 2023-02-14
: الكل
: لا يشترط
: لا يشترط
: 138
ملحوظة هامة:
وظايف نت ليست شركة توظيف وانما موقع للاعلان عن الوظائف الخالية المتاحة يوميا فى أغلب الشركات بالشرق الاوسط ,فنرجو توخى الحذر خاصة عند دفع اى مبالغ او فيزا او اى عمولات. والموقع غير مسؤول عن اى تعاملات تحدث من خلال الوظائف المعلنة.

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