Electrician in dubai

Assist the Maintenance and Electrical Supervisor to provide timely maintenance and efficient electrical engineering services to Ducab’s assets to ensure optimum operation, minimum loss time, and maximum asset life.

Undertake breakdown maintenance and repairs when requested to enable quick recovery of production

Analyze electrical breakdowns to propose preventive action and avoid repetitive breakdowns

Carry out utility and electrical corrective maintenance activities in pursuit of efficiency and maintainability

Undertake the installation of electrical equipment for new projects and for existing machines

Undertake preventive maintenance in line with the maintenance job plan and machine availability to minimize breakdown maintenance

Participate in the assigned plant shutdown activities to support timely completion of planned shutdown

Monitor the electrical equipment the electrician is accountable for to enable efficient maintenance in a planned manner
: Dubai Cable Company Private Limited
: 5200
: دوام كامل
: ساعات عمل حرة
: 2020-02-26
: 2020-03-26
: الكل
: لا يشترط
: لا يشترط
: 242
ملحوظة هامة:
وظايف نت ليست شركة توظيف وانما موقع للاعلان عن الوظائف الخالية المتاحة يوميا فى أغلب الشركات بالشرق الاوسط ,فنرجو توخى الحذر خاصة عند دفع اى مبالغ او فيزا او اى عمولات. والموقع غير مسؤول عن اى تعاملات تحدث من خلال الوظائف المعلنة.

كيف تحدد مصداقية الوظائف المعلنة؟

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