Automotive Marketing Supervisor

• Establishes marketing goals to ensure market share and profitability of products and/or services.
• Develops and executes monthly and annual marketing budgets.
• Develops and executes marketing plans and programs, both short and long-range, to ensure the profit growth and expansion of dealership products and/or services.
• Communicates with outside advertising agencies regarding ongoing campaigns.
• Works with writers and artists; oversees copywriting, design, layout, paste-up, and production of promotional materials.
• Creates and prepares all print advertising, radio and TV commercials, billboards, direct mail pieces, in-store point-of-purchase merchandising aids, interior and exterior signs, off-site displays, news releases and stories.
• Works with the dealer and Sales Managers and Aftersales Manager to develop upcoming ad campaigns.
• Communicates marketing efforts to all dealership employees.
• Acts as liaison with news media.
• Acts as liaison with the manufacturer regarding merchandising.
• Attends pertinent marketing/sales promotion meetings conducted by the manufacturer and dealer associations.
• Achieves satisfactory profit/loss ratio and share of market performance.
• Researches, analyses and monitors financial, technological and demographic factors to capitalize on market opportunities and to minimize the effects of competitive activity.
• Communicates with dealership employees to keep abreast of customer attitudes, demographics, buying habits etc.
• Communicates with customers to determine their needs and interests.
• Evaluates market reactions to advertising programs, media placement, and merchandising policy.
• Seeks out and uses industry sources and consumer information.
• Prepares marketing and other reports and presents them to dealership management.
• Develops surveys and other marketing tools.
• Tracks marketing results to be certain that marketing objectives are achieved within designated budgets. Takes corrective action when necessary.
• Attends monthly managers meetings.
• Maintains professional appearance.
• Handling CRM Section.
• Other tasks as assigned.
: Ali Fadala
: 6000
: بيع وتسويق
: بغداد , العراق
: دوام كامل
: 8 ساعات
: 2023-03-16
: 2023-04-16
: الكل
: لا يشترط
: لا يشترط
: 366
ملحوظة هامة:
وظايف نت ليست شركة توظيف وانما موقع للاعلان عن الوظائف الخالية المتاحة يوميا فى أغلب الشركات بالشرق الاوسط ,فنرجو توخى الحذر خاصة عند دفع اى مبالغ او فيزا او اى عمولات. والموقع غير مسؤول عن اى تعاملات تحدث من خلال الوظائف المعلنة.

كيف تحدد مصداقية الوظائف المعلنة؟

قدم سيرتك الذاتية الان

عفوا .. هذه الوظيفة تم اخفاء بيانات الاتصال الخاصة بها نظرا لمرور اكثر من 30 يوم منذ نشر هذا الاعلان وقد تم ارشفته.