Looking for Caption Evaluator in Egypt

Help make mobile videos more accessible and more convenient to watch.
We are looking for Caption Evaluators who’ll watch videos and give us opinions on how accessible and convenient the videos you’ll watch. Your answers will help us develop captioning technology that makes the video viewing experience better for both Deaf and hearing viewers. You will evaluate the quality of video captions, rating the quality and usefulness of the captions. Deaf and hard of hearing contributors are especially encouraged to apply.

• Have an Instagram account. (Instagram account’s default language should be Arabic).
• Have access to a desktop browser.
• Have a mobile phone that can read QR codes.

Help make mobile videos more accessible and more convenient to watch. Kindly click the link below to register in our contractor platform.

Make sure to add “Egypt Sign Language (Egypt)” when creating your profile in the system. Once you complete the registration process, you will be able to receive feedback via email or direct through the Appen Connect platform. If you are interested in also applying for other projects, click the ‘All Projects’ Tab then you will see the “Continue” button on the right side of the “Unlock More Projects Complete your profile”, complete the required information to unlock more projects. Once you COMPLETED all the details, make sure to SUBMIT it and you will be notified via email after we process your application.
: Keith Bergonio Banogon
: 4000
: الاقصر , مصر
: دوام كامل
: 8 ساعات
: 2021-11-03
: 2021-12-03
: الكل
: لا يشترط
: لا يشترط
: 320
ملحوظة هامة:
وظايف نت ليست شركة توظيف وانما موقع للاعلان عن الوظائف الخالية المتاحة يوميا فى أغلب الشركات بالشرق الاوسط ,فنرجو توخى الحذر خاصة عند دفع اى مبالغ او فيزا او اى عمولات. والموقع غير مسؤول عن اى تعاملات تحدث من خلال الوظائف المعلنة.

كيف تحدد مصداقية الوظائف المعلنة؟

قدم سيرتك الذاتية الان

عفوا .. هذه الوظيفة تم اخفاء بيانات الاتصال الخاصة بها نظرا لمرور اكثر من 30 يوم منذ نشر هذا الاعلان وقد تم ارشفته.