Looking for Art Director in Saudi Arabia

Art Director - Required for Advertising agency at Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
Job description:-

● The Art Director creates, designs and produces quality, creative and effective
campaigns & communication solutions
● The ability to think creatively and deliver clever concepts
● Minimum 3 years of experience as an Art Director in an advertising agency, with a total
of 5 years experience in Design/creative work
● Strong creative abilities and the ability to develop innovative ideas and concepts.
● Working understanding of effective design and communication, including
conceptualization, production artwork, web/digital/social media
- Skilled using the following design software: Illustrator, Photo-Shop
● Ability to explain design rationale
● Excellent organizational skills.
● Ability to handle multiple priorities and manage personal workflow and schedules even
in the midst of stressful and difficult circumstances.
● Ability to provide mentor-ship to team members.
● Ability to work well with a wide variety of people with different backgrounds and
produce high quality deliverable.
● Ability to listen, understand and respond to needs in a timely manner
● Ability to work the time necessary to complete projects and/or meet deadlines.
● Submission of a design portfolio is required
● English & Arabic language is Required
: شركة سمر للتوظيف بالخارج ترخيص 194
: 4000
: القاهرة , مصر
: دوام كامل
: 8 ساعات
: 2020-09-03
: 2020-10-03
: الكل
: لا يشترط
: لا يشترط
: 164
ملحوظة هامة:
وظايف نت ليست شركة توظيف وانما موقع للاعلان عن الوظائف الخالية المتاحة يوميا فى أغلب الشركات بالشرق الاوسط ,فنرجو توخى الحذر خاصة عند دفع اى مبالغ او فيزا او اى عمولات. والموقع غير مسؤول عن اى تعاملات تحدث من خلال الوظائف المعلنة.

كيف تحدد مصداقية الوظائف المعلنة؟

قدم سيرتك الذاتية الان

عفوا .. هذه الوظيفة تم اخفاء بيانات الاتصال الخاصة بها نظرا لمرور اكثر من 30 يوم منذ نشر هذا الاعلان وقد تم ارشفته.