Property Management

تحتوى هذه الصفحة على طلبات توظيف مقدمة من الباحثين عن وظيفة أملا فى التواصل مع الشركات والحصول على وظيفة بأقرب وقت
Compound manager & Property Management
• Manage the operations of 3 residential compounds of the company including residential units and all facilities.
• Lead and supervise a cross-functional team, managing day-to-day operations and maintenance of the compounds to delivery
tenant requirements and expectations.
• Develop and implement annual business plans and budgets to achieve objectives related to revenue and profitability.
• Build and maintain relationships with tenants, monitoring delivery of quality service delivery and prompt resolution of issues to
gain customer satisfaction.
• Coordinate with contractors and service providers ensuring on time delivery of maintenance, housekeeping and other services.
• Support the sales and marketing team in management of all sales activities to achieve and maintain optimum occupancy rates.
• Track and evaluate opportunities for new services and cost savings and recommend action plans to the management.
• Maintain all documentation and records, ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements of various authorities.
• Supervise staff, assign and monitor tasks and responsibilities, provide coaching and training to improve efficiency and productivity.
• Developed and implemented effective marketing strategies and sales plans to achieve optimum occupancy, sales, revenue and
profitability objectives.

: Jalal Hejazi
: وظائف ادارية و اشرافية و سكرتاريه
: الخبر , السعودية
: 2023-02-18
: 2023-03-18
: 52

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